Valentine’s Day

By February 10, 2015July 11th, 2023News


Valentines Day ………Love is in the air ………………………
Long stemmed roses , chocolates , intimate dinners for two!
Feel the love on a daily basis whether you are in a relationship or not,
don’t limit yourself to one day. Buy the flowers, chocolates,
book /cook the meal because you love the people in your life!

I LOVE YOU is not something only to be shared on the front of a glitzy card.
Show your love everyday in every way without spending lots of money because LOVE is free.
We can give it unconditionally and easily, with a smile a hug a kind word and as we push it out there. It will spread and in these harsh time of sabre rattling around the world we need it more than ever.
But to be able to push it out there we have to feel it! And to feel it we have to know it.

So do love yourself, like yourself and know that you are worthy of your own love and that of others.

When you take yourself into your quiet time / meditation allow yourself to feel the love of Source.

God / Goddess /Spirit whatever name resonates with you … feel that Divine Love,
Learn the prayer to meditate by below so that you can link with yourself and the Divine.
May I be at peace with myself,
May I know Joy May I be relaxed and well,
May I know Love,
May I be safe from inner and outer harm,
May I be happy and peaceful of heart,
May my body be strong,
May my body be filled with ease,
We don`t need a Day to celebrate love, celebrate it by the hour, the day, the week, the year xx

Brightest of Blessings Lynn x x